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Coupon Tip: Friendly Cahiers

To help make your coupon shopping experience more pleasant, you should look for friendly, smiling cashiers.  It doesn’t hurt to do a lap around the registers to find that right cashier. Some cashiers are easier to deal with than others and you can usually tell by their body language or how they are responding to other customers they are helping.

Some people call this “cashier profiling” but really you need to find someone that you feel comfortable with and know you can work with as you hand them your stacks of coupons and begin to check out.  If you are not sure who would be the best fit for you, your cart and your bulging coupon binder, then ask a manager!  In most cases managers are more than happy to help you out, and sometimes they will even ring you up themselves.

No matter what your experience is, go or bad make sure you smile and say thank you!

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